E. Enjoy. Play.

I.School I.

Week: 4

Step: D

Objective:  Playing

    • To acknowledge that playing is integral to a more fulfilling life

    • To Improve:

-cognitive, physical, social, and emotional well-being 

-confidence, social skills, independence, self-esteem 

-creativity which leads to problem solving

    • To have some dang fun!! Fun. Natural fun.


It seems unnatural to create a lesson on playing. Yet, why is it that playing seems to be viewed as childish fluff? The last thing we can enjoy after all the important stuff is finished; which coincidentally, never seems to get done. Sure, playing sports, games, music etc, is playing; But when does it become more competitive than creative? 


  1. Take this seriously! (Or not)

  2. When was the last time you just played? Imagined?

  3. Tap into an early childhood memory of play.

  4. What would that look like? For me I:

    1. Dance

    2. Draw

    3. Daydream

And what about you?

Suggested Readings 



How conducive is school to the crucial care of creativity and play?