The Liberal Lips League
I wanted to call you the ‘Foxy boys’. You know, you radio personalities on certain talk shows. Sadly, I found the word ‘foxy’ on the internet primarily brings up sexual and lewd images of women, so I thought again. Just so you know, I listen to your radio show when I can. I originally listened so that I could pick up on the language, the lingo, and the rhetoric ya all mendaciously reecho.
It was very helpful in the classroom. Thank you. Like radar I could detect your loyal listeners and thus work with your brave followers because you have similar sayings and ways of explaining things. No, I do not discourage your fans. I listen. Some students end up talking themselves out of an original thought and get quiet. Some don’t budge on their and your ideas and I respect that, but at least they are provided an opportunity to think about they are saying and are challenged. Good for them. That’s learning. Your radio show was my personal little secret in order to serve kids better. Butt when you started prattling on about public education and telling me what I’m teaching in the classroom? Let me reconsider.
‘Freedom radio’. Oh, where to begin guys.
Ok, let me try a speed writing exercise 15 seconds… and go! “First, freedom radio is tied to corporate sponsors. Shall we think about that? Conservative means less, like less government, but you talk more in your show than another I have heard, which means you talk liberally (more talk less fact). So hear me out- liberal is good in this case. You said teachers are losers. “ Liberal history teachers do nothing but teach Marx, Communism, and Socialist ideas weakening democracy with their lies”. Do you realize that if I taught the way you speak in the classroom that would be… “ Stop. Times up!
Oh, oh, oh, lightbulb moment my dudes… You think teaching is sitting in a studio with a microphone just spewing opinions willy nilly. Careless chatter contaminating communication. Here is a thought. You should be a teacher. In fact, why are there are not more of you jolts in school? Hm, I just wonder what that would be like. If you were to be silent, you know, not speak for a while and hear me out, consider this- you could teach your truth to teens! Just so you know on average you would have 25 students per class. I know you have millions of like-minded supporters who individually call and talk only you for a few minutes. But In school, in every class of say 25- 30 kids with varying beliefs and backgrounds. However, I can guarantee you will have at least one of ‘your boys’ in class (it’s usually boys and you’d be proud), but at least one of the liberal feminists you despise (yep, mostly women) Don’t worry about it, you will have the power. Easy peasy. Now with 25 others in class with weapons of mass distraction, you might get distracted yourself. It’s not exactly the same as a studio, what would I know. Those boys and girls on political polar opposites in the same classes might try to talk as much as you do, well, not that much, but you can handle it.
And that’s just one class- you would have four - yes, 4- more- 90 minute classes of the same stuff same comments…. every day, every semester and every year! You wouldn’t last a day. Oh hold the phone here, another lightbulb moment … you are on to something! You are genius! No prep, no scientific analysis, no structure, no tests, no dissent… polyhistor! . Just talk for hours and hours about anything you want. Hmmm I have an interesting idea! How about this? I’ll go back into the classroom as a substitute teacher and be you, only me. Bring this show on the public educational road! Your personal doppelgänger! (look it up). I don’t know you. I don’t claim to know you but you claim to know everything about me because you listened to the liberal media and shredded teachers with your rapier wit. (it’s rapier…) It’s like you are hunting. Hunting for good will. (it’s ok, they don’t know that movie.) You just want the best for your listeners. I support you. It’s like you’r in a league of your own. (another movie misfire). Be proud to be a liberal! Keep on talking! Whoa, now that I think about it we have SO much in common. You like, no wait, dare I say Love? You love, taking about freedom, liberty and justice. Me too!! You talk about women politicians quite a lot. Love that! So, let me get this ‘straight’- wink- just talk about random stuff with no filter, no checks and balances, no rebuttal? Ok, ok, ok. I reconsider my original ‘liberal’ agenda. I started off hostile in tone, but now “I hear you” Lips. We are one.
Wow- I listened to your show today and you really got me. You said I need to pick a side- liberal or conservative. You on one team- believers of freedom, liberty and justice. Or- that other side, your counter nemesis, npr and its innocuous socialist, communist, ideas. That’s deep. Tough choice. Alright, I have thought about this. Tough one, don’t rush me. Hmmm… Well, after careful consideration in the last few minutes- I pic you Lips!! Keep those liberal talk holes a flapping. I support you. I am on your side. One little silly question, or detail to get me started. I like to research. I like to read and really study something before I talk about it. You know, books, primary documents, conflicting views, actual critical thinking. I also like to get challenged face-to-face. It’s harder to have harsh opinions when you have to look at someone in the face, like students. A lot to think about tonight lips, we’ll talk soon, but remember the ole war saying …“Liberal lips sink ships.” Talk soon.