The Socratic Hairdresser

The Socratic Hairdresser:

I’ve been on a critical educational jag for a while now.  I strike up conversations- sometimes inappropriately- about the state of public schooling. Not surprisingly, I get the same responses:  The quick resolve- “So how do you plan to fix it?” “So, what is YOUR solution?” The dodge- “I’m so glad my kids are not in school anymore.” “That’s why I voted against taxes for schools.”  The masochist- “Kid’s just need to suck it up like we did.” “Kids today…when I was in school….”. 

And then I went to get my hair cut.  A young stylist asked the typical questions, like a therapist now that I think about it: 

Her- Becca: So, what brings you in today?

Me: Just a trim, I want my curls back- it fits my personality. 

B: Ok, we can do that.  So, what do you do?

Me: I’m a retired teacher.

B: Ok, and what do you do with all of your free time? (So far, the same questions and answers, only I don’t beat around the bush anymore.)

Me: Well, I’m trying to start a revolution in education. 

B: Oh, (now here is where the conversation turns Socratic.) “What do you want to see?” (What do I want to see? This is the first time I have been directly asked an open ended question to my plight. And to my surprise, I did not flinch- I had my fingers counting under my hairdressers cape indicating each point.) 

Me: 1. I want corporations out of public education; 2. I want the school day cut in half; 3. I want classes that kids take- to actually have meaning for them; 4. I want kids to develop skills for self-actualization and self-determination.  

B: (interested and unfazed) hm, and how do you think that will go over?

Me: Oh it won’t!!! People don’t really want change, so it will fail- Epically! But a gal’s got to try right?

B and Me- both started laughing! 

B: I can see why you want curly hair.  It does match your personality. 

And scene.

I wish there were more conversations like this.  Open, curious, non-judgmental (at least not overtly) conversations about meaningful subjects.  

I know that what I want to see in educational reform is considered crazy and unrealistic. I understand resistance to change.  It’s just that for me the alternative, the ‘go back to systems normal’ is truly more terrifying.  Daily reports of violence, misinformation, suicide, ignorance, hate- consistently followed by a head scratching “the motivation is unknown…” are all rooted in brick and mortar institutions.  As long as we continue to treat kids like commodities, like ignorant soldiers, like a cogs in a machine- all at the hands of BM’s (business management systems) we will continue to cultivate more of the same. 

So, what do you want to see?  Can we at least have more frequent and better conversations about public education? What would that look like?