Three French Hens


I once had a student bring his chicken to class. No, I did not know he had a fancy French hen tucked into his backpack until the end of a 90 min. block. It was quiet, and as I came to find out, the French Hen is gentle, passive and “good for children” as pets. The student in question did have questionable behaviors; but I will say, the memory of seeing that little black plume poking out of a zippered opening, well, the memory of that is priceless. So, thank you Z.

Probably not one of the houdan hens pictured here.

My story. My memory. I’ll tell it like I like.


Three French Hens: Or was it intended to be three Fat Hens? Faverolles chicken? Pets or meat?


“But why ‘French‘ hens? The Latin word for chicken is gallus and, as a result, the scientific name is Gallus gallus . In Roman times, France was Gaul, and people who lived there were Gallic. It seems that the simple word association between the homonyms Gallus and Gallic irrevocably associated the fowl with France. Indeed, a rooster was often a decorative ornament on church bell towers in France during the Middle Ages, and the Gallic Rooster (see photo, right) was an important symbol during the French Revolution. American Ornithological Society.


Three: Building Blocks, Layers of I.School.

What are you building? Today. How might changing the origin (through research) thus, changing interpretations of a common story, change your story?

What memories are you finding today? What memories are being overlooked? Tucked away in a backpack? When you build your house or coop of straws, sticks and bricks, are you seeing it from the outside in, or inside out?

The Gauls!!

Song #3. Brick House- Commodores;