Two Turtle Doves
“tur-tur,” Latin, is onomatopoeic (name imitates the sound described- cool word hugh?) The female dove is the turtle. Male turtla. So, no relation to the shell covered reptile. Which kind of bummed me out, but the coo and purr bird sounds- hence the name “turtle doves”, makes more sense.
Turtle Doves are migratory. They travel twice seasonally. North to South or South to North, depending on environment.
Symbolic of peace. Timid lil creatures; not remarkably swift. Currently on the endangered species list. (okay, I’m not totally sure, but they are on the decline).
Mythology links Turtle Doves with Fides, goddess of Trust and Good Faith.
#2 What do you trust? Honesty and good faith are signs of wisdom. How would you quietly cultivate trust?
song playlist day #2. Pick a song of reflection.
Mine is “How we Operate”, by Gomez. Changing perspectives, so I can see things your way.