Snow Day!  2022

In t-raditional school, with increment weather, some school districts close, some stay open, and some have a delayed start in place. All areas in question have the similar temperatures and the same amount of snow. Hmmm, that does not make sense.  Rational? From what I gather it is- Don’t ask don’t tell.  

If you ask, you will get a mouthful of mush. Politically correct statements that sound reasonable until you try and repeat it back and you realize it makes no sense and is contradictory to the other districts statements which also sound politically correct, and so on.  

What’s not to tell?  Tell the public that their kids are pawns in a game? An economic and political maneuver of partisan folly? A Dangerous derby. I get it- the public will gripe either way- busses, parents, jobs- it’s not an easy decision. Who knew school boards and snow days would get so vicious. How are any decisions being made?

Snow days have a special place in the hearts of school kids who remember that phone call and getting the message that school was canceled. (Note to self- plan special show days for I.School). 

Now with covid, the debate to go remote or live or hybrid…well, I think we agree, it’s a mess. 

My gravitational pull brings me back to one point, be it snow days or remote:

All decisions about schools need to me made in the best interest of kids and learning. Period.  

If it’s money or psychology or political ideology that either beg the question, or attempt to answer, then that is a bigger societal issue, that is not up to our kids to solve. 

And what about the schools that do go in person for a half day? Surrounded by schools that are ‘off’ due to snow.  Shortened classes, resentful kids, tired teachers- how much “learning” takes place? When in conversations- always come back to what is best for kids and learning.  Always. If not, ask, what are schools for?

I fear I resemble a hysterical Simpsons character… “But what about the children?!?!?!”  She was way underrepresented. 

Snow Day I.School 2022

Woke up at 4:35 am.  Do I need to get less sleep? 8-9 hours is plenty!  I am wide awake and ready to learn!  Yea, Snow Day! Relax, enjoy the snow.  (I know I am retired, this is my dream- I.School, let me play my reindeer games.) 

Lesson to think about today: This is your day.  Snow day is a 'free day'.  Do what ever you want.  Really! Anything. The only focus on this snow day is: How do you want to feel about today's day when you go to bed tonight? It is your day, so (mostly) any way you feel tonight, is up to you.  

Just today.  You will never have this particular snow day again. 

Sample I.School student (me):

AM- still in bed, questions. Did you dream? How do you feel? Body scan. Centered? (Do you know what that means? Ok you are self talking now.)  Breathe.  (two to five minutes). 

Slowly get up, turn on heater in study (my magic jeanie bottle), turn on hot water for tea, attend to pets. Make tea, watch snow.  

Write any thoughts in pencil, my daily journal.  Get on FB, wish a happy Birthday to two amazing former students, read posts, get off Facebook. Make coffee for the husband. 

Talk to sweet hubby, sip warm beverages and re-declare love for one another as we watch the snowfall. (Yes, that really did happen; and yes, we also talked about potential frozen sewer pipes, a broken shower, and what to have with spaghetti tonight.) Love.  

7am hubby leaves for school (late-start, shortened classes, disgruntled kids…) Me?

Shower, make bed, slowly (just because) brush teeth, put on fresh but comfy lounge suit.  Get laundry started, do any leftover dishes, organize three things. Time to relax again.  More tea, more snow watching. 

By 8:30 am I am ready to plan the day. (Still the teacher in me).

Plan: Three grounding activities, three chores, and three treats (things that bring me joy).

Grounding- Move (shovel snow); Meals (prep for spaghetti); Meditate (work in progress, at least read a few meditations).

Chores- Organize books in den, vacuum with podcasts, go through finances.

Treats- (By far the most challenging part of I.School after t-school conditioning).  Light a new candle, afternoon espresso (with snow); Paint an old water bottle with fun designs; Watch an old movie- detective, adventure, romance.  

Suggestions: I see I have hesitation with meditation.  Practice each activity with focused concentration.  Try the senses. Like when my mind wonders while shoveling, focus on the sounds, the temperature, the light, the pressure changes.  I know, I know, my mind wonders, so just observe a thought and go back to the sounds, sights, and smells.  Then when you vacuum, all bets are off, listen to an audio book, cuz I dislike to vacuum and I like good books.  Buddha I am not. 

Lastly, I see I am a good planner.  A better planner than executioner…(?) Wrong word, um- achiever? Do-er? Anyway I am a “tomorrow is another day” kind of gal, and I often do not “do" the doing that needs to get done in order for the plan to get executed er, followed through. 

See, I just keep rambling instead of shov… (got it).