What color is your lip-switch? 

Well color me conservative, Lips.  I listened to your show today and I think you pulled an ole lip switch-a-doo.  You said: “I can’t say enough…” (that’s true) but when you said, “please take covid seriously and get vaccinated?” Wait, what? That is the opposite of what you have been saying since the beginning of the pandemic. Did I misunderstand?

You didn’t admit to wearing mock-up covid hoax purple for the last year. Understandable. Who likes to look back at the bad hair and make-up days? Right, lips? You thought it looked and sounded good at the time.  In fairness, the whole Liberal Lips League changed their colors too.  Like a new fad.  I’ve been liking your new color of Red, but why the sudden change?  

I’m guessing you weren’t really defending science, (just a hunch), but I wonder who your influencers are. Money, politics or both?  It doesn’t really matter, it still looks like desperate oily  orange.  

There are a million names for lip sticks, so Lip-switch ideas could be fun. How about- “Pants on fire-engine Red”, “Tongue juggling turquoise”,  “Chartreuse charade” “Tewkesbury mustard- yellow.”  Just some ideas.  I’m trying to follow and I see some of your colors.  I would like to see you in an unassuming amaranth pink, or a come-clean citrine.  Just sayin.

Keep it up though, your colors are becoming more and more visible to the untrained eye for lips.