What If?

Now that we are getting established in Imaginary School- (No Talking about I.School Rule).

What if, I were to start my I.Philosophy class with this premise:

What if I were to tell you, I know all‽ That I have spent my last few years in solitude and unearthed every question I have been seeking. Now what?

Of course, this course (I.School) is imaginary, so play my little reindeer games. (I do not know all. Did I need to say that?

What If?

If that were assumed true, that I.Newson.org knows all, then what questions would you ask?

Rules: You have 60 minutes. You may ask three questions.

See, now how fun would that be!? I Imagine small group conversations, say up to five students. Limited time. Discussions regarding values? Philosophy? I’m curious myself.

Hint- the questions you ask, demonstrate your maturity level. That is perfectly acceptable, and a great learning moment. Well, a great learning moment if you ask a 14 year old question, and you are actually 14; It’s a steep learning curve if you ask a 14 year old question and you are 42.

Answers are subject to the teacher. I. I reserve the right to answer yes/no. I CAN answer a question with a question. (The Game of Questions). Depending on how much time is left, I may rant- especially with a particular intriguing question. So there.

Questions may lead to more questions. I have time to play. Do you?

What if? What questions do you have for I.School?