Stay or Go?

For those thinking of leaving the US.

  1. Where are you going to go? And do you think other places want you? Maybe, but it is worth asking first.

  2. If you have the means to leave, what does that action say to those who do not have the means to leave? We have all contributed to this situation. Who is left to clean up messes?

  3. This is a global situation. This is not US isolated. Ask, what are the patterns? Seek original stories.

  4. Consider other options. We are limited in creative problem solving, me thinks. Stay or leave? Good or bad? Suck it up or go “off the grid”. It is as if those are the only extremities. There are more conversations to be had.

  5. I choose to stay. I choose life. I.School is daily practice of choosing to fight for time off. To stand up for foundational principles worth fighting for. Fighting is not the operative word, however. Passively, actively spending time researching. Searching for Truths worth living for. It is easy when one has time to actively-passively resist being pulled out of ones own mind.

Time is worth ‘fighting’ for. YOU students are worth time. The highest value. Is worthy of you.

No matter where you are.

Koko and Robin dream

So, I had this great dream last night. I dreamed Robin Williams was talking to me, only I was Koko the gorilla. (Dreams are weird, man. What can I say?)

We, Robin and I, re-wrote a skit from the 1998 movie Good Will Hunting. Our dreamy, “Mock Monologue” from the 1998 Movie Good Will Hunting. Staring Mr. Robin Williams. Matt Damon, Ben Affleck and Minnie Driver. 

(And Scene.)

So, why do you think I should go back to work for the NAEP? (Go back to teaching)

New charter schools, continued chaos, high demand, low pay and lower self-esteem.

90% or approx. million American students attend public schools. The NAEP’s  (national assessment for educational progress) 28 board members are in head of the Nation’s Report Card. 


S: the question isn’t why should you go back into teaching. The question is why shouldn’t you?

I: Why shouldn't I go back into the (NAEP) classroom?  That's a tough one but I’ll give it a shot. 

Say I go back into the classroom and I get handed an AP curriculum, 150 students, and a rigorous standardized test to chaperone.

Maybe I stick to the curriculum and maybe I help students get an “extremely qualified” percentage on the exam. I get a teacher appreciation slap on the neck for a job well done.

But maybe that score helps a few students get into a top ranked college. Say, in the NorthEast. They end up with a 15% interest rate on a $100,000 lean it takes em 30 years to pay off. My students, along with 46 million other students, get blamed for a national debt crisis.

Now the policy makers and profiteers are in a pissing contest about who’s going to pay for the $1.7 Trillion student debt; a debt (NAEP, and others) orchestrated and financially profited from in the first place. They don’t give a shit about my students because their subsidies/ profit margins paid for their kids private education, just like their trust funds got them out of public schools too.

It’ll be my students who can't get a job with their degree while still paying off student debt, living back at home with mom and dad; riddled with both depression and high anxiety. No health care working at a fast food joint across the street from their old high school.

Meanwhile, my students realized the purpose of “cells and bells” schooling was to coerce and confuse children into obedience through censorship in a quasi-incarceration institution specifically built for their subjugation.  

I figure if we recruit a Sixth grade student as an indentured servant; give em years to learn trades and skills from master apprentices; acquire genuine knowledge about personal finance; red Howard Zinn’s History of the United States; travel the world; pursue a personal passion with principled purpose instead of impersonating business management portrayals of unattainable and nonexistent, nonsense lies propagated in the classroom- Heck

They could make me an uberwensch! (Dream got weird here. ???????) 

So what do I think?             

I’m holding out for something better. 

(End Scene.) 


11/11/24 Ketchup and Mustard

“Ketchup and Mustard”. Priceless Treasure from the I.Newson archive.

From: Jared Escobar <Sent: Monday, September 16, 2019 8:20 PM
To: Newson Ingrid <
Subject: [EXTERNAL] Ketchup and Mustard

 Hey Newson!

It has been too long! I was just reading the Republic for my philosophy class, when I remembered where it all started. With you! Great book but it reminded me that I should give thanks to those who educated me properly. There is a portion in Book VI where Socrates mentions the sailors all fighting for captain, but the one who was actually the best navigator and star gazer would never become captain because he wasn't trying to take power. Immediately my brain yelled, VIVA LA REVA-NEWSON! You are that sailor with a significant amount of valuable knowledge that stays behind the scenes leading from the background. And then I thought well a philosopher teacher is perfect because they educate others on the value of educating others. And you have done just that in me. 

          I got a tattoo last year that says the three words, I don't know. Simply because I was so amazed with their moral implications, and now we are talking about Socrates and his, the only I do know is that I know nothing, and I realize that is what I subconsciously walked into. You inspired me to question and wonder and be curious and be content. Choose your future, love your choice has never left me. I don't think it ever will. There are so many lessons that I learned from you and I wanted to let you know.

         Anyways just to update you on where I am at. Finished my first year at Western, and I spent my whole summer in Durango working at a summer camp called Colvig Silver Camps. It was the time of my life and I got to take 8-10 year olds on one night and three day backpacking trips over two weeks, four different times. Although not simple, very rewarding, and definitely gave me some clarity on what age group I want to work with, not that age ha. Definitely devoted myself to a good amount of backpacking ever since. I got Labrum Surgery on my shoulder in July of 2018 and in March of 2019. It has been unfortunate, but I have enjoyed camping and hiking as less dangerous outlets. My thoughts are all over the place, but I am also gonna be minoring in philosophy now which I am stoked about. 

          I started off the school year as an Orientation Leader where I got payed to make friends so that was sick and now I am working four different jobs. I am working at Wilderness Pursuits, the low cost recreation group that is an on campus opportunity for students. I am working as a sustainability coordinator for the LEAD(Leadership, Engagement, and Development) Office and we are getting a super expensive rocket composter started:) I am also the Secretary for the Club Sports Council, and I am a Teacher's Assistant for a Leadership and Facilitation class. So staying busy, but I still find time to kendama. I would say I am happier than ever. A busy schedule, a nourishing summer, a small community, and of course the ambiguity of philosophy to keep me thinking. Life is good. 

         But enough about me! Tell me about your summer, did you do anything fun? Still teaching the same classes? Did you get a new dog, maybe invested in a turtle? Any new hobbies or pastimes? Any new philosophical breakthroughs? I can't wait to hear back from you. Above all, I hope all is well.

Jared E


It is so wonderful to get this e-mail.  I confess it chocked me up and I had to re-read it with clearer eyes.  You made my day. 🙂  You get me. 

I was thinking about you the other day and I remembered you saying how you were skeptical about former students writing me long after graduation and then you e-mailed me the following year.  It made me happy and I am so happy to be writing to you now.  It really is rewarding to get such an authentic note.  

I am so glad to hear you are thriving and perhaps flourshing?  I think there is something magic in Gunnison air.  I bet you are fantastic with those impressionable lil darlins. How rewarding.  Working with kids has certainly been the love of my career life.  It really is some kind of calling. I could do without some of the business bs but such is my fate. 

I went to the Dominican Republic this summer and it was not a vacation as much as it was an education.  Wow, my eyes are wide open. We stayed with families and whoa am I humbled.  Unforgettable trip. 

My baby is now in college and we are empty nesters.   It was really weird and existentially sad at times, but I am readjusting and having fun.  I started painting again and my brain takes over.  No works of art but a great way of self expression.  

I still teach Psych and Philosophy.  I feel on top of my game and having a blast with students this semester.  I am planning on retiring in two years.  Hahahaha  I am finally graduating from High School... I have no idea what to do with the rest of my life so if you have some ideas, send em my way.  

Thank you so much for taking time to reach out.  You have a special place in my world as a former student and I am grateful  to know you.  I would really like to hear more about your Philosophy class! And YES! I have been reading a mind blowing book called The Master and His Emissary.  I would love to tell you about it. 

Keep up the good life and

"Above all, I hope all is well" (I like that and am stealing it from you 🙂) 



You have been so influential in my life and hearing back from you is more special than you know. Authenticity is something I learned from you, so it is only fair that you get to receive some of your own medicine.

      I am glad you got to experience a bit of a paradigm shift from going to the DR, its memories like that that mold your personality. And an empty nest! Congratulations, and if you thought you were bored now, imagine how you are gonna feel two years from now after you graduate.

        I always remember that story from when you were proctoring the standardized test, and you got so bored you created the ABC's of philosophy(Something I would very much like to have a copy of:). I can't tell you how many times I have gotten off of my lazy ass just because I thought back to that story. 

          And retirement?! Holy crap thats awesome, you better write a novel, or produce a movie, or start a revolt. I mean that much free time is dangerous! Here are some suggestions I thought of off the top of my head:

Take up a pastime you thought you would never do before: Guitar, Fishing, Mahjong, Paintball, Kendama, whatever.Create a masterpiece, a life story, a documentary, a mural, anything that requires a little extra creativity, something I know you are good at.Invest in Connect 4Start a non-profit or anything of the sortMove to a foreign country

Just a couple thoughts. 

      So my philosophy class is an introduction course, and is styled where we are given a reading, so far it has just been Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle. Unfortunately my teacher likes to lecture a lot on those, but he is open to conversation which we haven't done enough of, I think. Thus far just explored the Republic and everything in there from the Allegory of the Cave/Divided Line to the idea of justice and now we are transitioning into the Golden Mean and Eudaemonia and all that. This class has been a wonderful refresher away from all the hubbub of life. Counting down the days until Existentialism:)

       I am glad to hear from you, you are a superstar. Keep on Keepin' on!



Please keep talking

about Industry-

Which encourages an “eat drink and be merry” philosophy of life.

Then, get blamed for being “fat, alcoholic, and depressed.”

Then, no worries! Get ‘rescued’ by pills, expensive time-consuming therapy, and shopping.

Any conversations outside a sick industry simply will no be discussed. Period.

Follow WMD’s (weapons of mass distraction)

  • watch screens

  • do not deviate from industry talk

  • complain and stay numb

  • get job

  • obey

    too edgy?

As long as we keep talking about food, booze and ways to distract (get merry), we will not move beyond the eat, drink and be merry philosophy.

There is more beyond the talk bubble.


Students of I.School.

If today is a happy day for you, I celebrate with you. You have power. Great responsibility.

Do Good. Be wise.

If today is a sad/angry day, I grieve with you. Anger and sadness are powerful. Express with great responsibility.

Do good. Be wise.

Either way, Smile. (If you are celebrating, And still angry? hmmm, I’d think about that one).

Either way, Smile AS rebellion. Do good. That is the MOST radical thing you can do right now.

How to cultivate a genuine smile:

  1. Recognize the differences. Smiles can be- sarcastic, political, suggestive, gloating, manipulative, innocent or sincere. To mention a few. Which one are you?

  2. Start with genuine intentions. What kind of smile do you want?

  3. Start there.

Smile. Charlie Chaplin.

Smile though your heart is aching
Smile even though it's breaking
When there are clouds in the sky, you'll get by
If you smile through your fear and sorrow
Smile and maybe tomorrow
You'll see the sun come shining through for you

Light up your face with gladness
Hide every trace of sadness
Although a tear may be ever so near

That's the time you must keep on trying
Smile, what's the use of crying?
You'll find that life is still worthwhile
If you just smile

That's the time you must keep on trying
Smile, what's the use of crying?
You'll find that life is still worthwhile
If you just smile…

I’m not smiling because I am ignorant to my environment. I am smiling because, I am creating something within my environment. It took a lot of work to live this lazy dream, gently down the….

NAEP 22-26

Newson here,

Reporting back on predicted changes to the Nations Report Card from i.School 2022.

NAEP- National Assessment for Educational Progress.

I was wrong. The nations report card was better than ever. Students are sleeping well and feeling good about testing, and good about the future.

Wouldn’t that be something? Nope. I predicted the NAEP Reading Framework would change. It did.

While national conversations focus on politics, the NAEP has been busy.

NAEP 2022. Pages 19-43 Matrix for Reading Assessments.

NAEP 2026. Exhibit 3.5. Seven Principles of Universal Design of Assessments (UDA),

In two years, the Reading Assessment went from 34 pages of instruction to assessment to one. Pg 38.

Confusing language explaining how students need to better read and communicate.


2022: NAEP Reading, (part of a lengthy Matrix) “The matrices are designed to show the following aspects of literary and informational text: • Genres and types of text to be assessed. • Text structures and features about which items may be asked. • Aspects of author’s craft about which items may be asked. Types of text refers to the idealized norms of a genre (Fludernik 2000), not the source of the stimulus material per se.”

To, 2026: Reading Principle 6. Maximum Readability and Comprehensibility- “This principle refers to the ability of a text to be understood by all test takers so that readability does not interfere with the measurement of other content.” *These UDA principles are drawn from Thompson et al., 2002.

Which brings us to, World Bank Document Similar Universal Design of Assessment.

New to me, similar readability.

Maximum readability and comprehensibility.

Plain language guidelines are followed to produce readable and comprehensible text (for example, limited sentence length and avoiding unnecessary or difficult words).

2025 Mandate (Project 2025) examples:

page 338. “The Department of Education (or whichever agency collects such data long term)”

Federal intervention in education has failed to promote student achievement. After trillions spent since 1965 on the collective programs now housed within the walls of the department, student academic outcomes remain stagnant. On the main National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP), reading outcomes on the 2022 administration have remained unchanged over the past 30 years.

Protecting the federal student loan portfolio from predatory politicians. The new Administration must end the practice of acting like the federal student loan portfolio is a campaign fund to curry political support and votes. The new Administration must end abuses in the loan forgiveness programs. Borrowers should be expected to repay their loans.

P.2025 Plan. Get rid of the department of Ed. And the NAEP. Who profits? Many, including- The current Head of the NAEP.

The Honorable : Haley Barbour 2019- current. NAEP chair.

Former Governor of Mississippi and “One of Washington’s all time mega-Lobbyist.” Haley Barbour. So much to read.

Simply, however- Kids Pay. Global someone, not you profits. It works!

Have time to understand the jargon? Exactly.

Thats depressing. Want to take your mind off?

See you in I.School. :) Take Care. Take Time.

It was the Fast of Times

I.Connect: 3 

Philosophy, History and Psychology

Pick Three Topics

One. Fast Times At Ridgemont High. A 1982 movie about High School;

Two. Cuba; A secondary story within the movie. High School History Lesson on Cuba, 1902.

Three. General Education Board 1902. What get’s taught in schools.

Once Upon a Time: 

“So we will organize our children into a little community and teach them to do in a perfect way the things their fathers and mothers are doing in an imperfect way, in the homes, in the shops and on the farm." Board of Education 1902.

In The Mean Time:

“The Country School of Tomorrow”; and  the ‘mambisas' mystery.

Fast Times. 

At Ridgemont High.


In  a 1982 movie, Fast Times at Ridgemont High, Jeff Spicoli (played by Sean Penn, age 22 in 1982), is a fictional character. Spicoli is a mostly high, high school student. (Never-mind a rant about how movies badly portray the entire public school experience.) He attends a US history class with teacher, Mr. Hand, played by Ray Walston. Although, I personally did not appreciate the movie in its time, I do keep coming back to a particular exchange about school and time. 

It goes something like this. 

Scene. High school social studies classroom introduction day. Backdrop of a globe, books, posters of Presidents. As Mr. Hand walks around the class commanding a declaration of class rules for the year. Scene:

Mr. Hand: You get used to doing your own business on your own time. Just like you wouldn’t want me to come to your house some evening and discuss US history on your time, understand?

Spicoli: Yes sir. 

(first day) lingers… into

Mr. Hand: Three weeks we’ve been talking about the Platt Amendment. What are you people, on dope?”

After shaming kids with grades, Mr. Hand asks why Spicoli is not in class, and finding out he was at the ‘food machine ine’ Mr. Hand demands-

“Okay, Bring him in.” Followed by, a Hand rant-

“What is this fascination with truancy? What is it that gets inside your heads? There are some teachers look away at truants. It’s a little game that you both play. They present they don’t see you. You pretend you don’t ditch. Now, who pays the price later? You.”

Spicoli walks in with fetching student. (Vans in hand, bagel in pants). “Wait a minute. There’s no birthday party for me here.” 

Spicoli: Hola, Mr. Hand. 

Mr. Hand: What’s the reason for your truancy?

Spicoli: Just couldn’t make it on time

Mr.Hand: You mean you couldn’t or you wouldn’t?

Spicoli: Well, it was like a full crowd scene at the food lines

Mr Hand: Food will be eaten on your time. Why are you continuously late for this class, Mr. Spicoli? Why do you shamelessly waste my time like this?

Spicoli: (pause). I don’t know

Mr Hand: writes on chalk board “I. DON”T KNoW” 

That’s nice! ‘Mr. Hand, will I pass this class? Gee, Mr. Spicoli, I don’t know.”

That’s nice. I really like that. You know what I’m gonna do? I’m going to leave your words on this board for all my classes to enjoy. Giving you full credit, of course, Mr. Spicoli. 

Spicoli: (smile) All right.

Bell rings. Later, Spicoli has a dream where he says, “Surfing’s not a sport. It’s a way of life. It’s no hobby. It’s like lookin at that wave and saying, ‘hey bud, let’s party!’

Next Classroom Scene-

Mr. Hand: Now, in 1898, Spain owned Cuba outright. Think about it. Cuba owned by a disorganized parliament over 4,000 miles away. Cubans were in a constant.. 

Camera to Spicoli. Sitting upright and alert. Dressed in a white turtle neck and Baja Hoodie (drug rug).  Spicoli smiles.

Mr. Hand: (looking perturbed, continues). Cubans were in a constant state of revolt. In 1904, the United States decided to show a little weight around— and uh


Mr Hand: Who is it?

Mr. Pizza Guy.

Mr Hand: Again?

Mr. Pizza Guy, sir. (Walks in) Who ordered the double cheese and sausage?

Spicoli: Right here, dude.  (Pays) For you, dude.

Mr. Hand (rubs face in frustration). Am I hallucinating here? Just what in the hell do you think you’re doing? 

Spicoli: Learning about Cuba and having some food. 

Mr. Hand: Mr. Spicoli, you’re on dangerous ground here.  You’re causing a major disturbance on my time.

Spicoli:  I’ve been thinking about  this, Mr. Hand. If I’m here and you’re here, doesn’t that make it our time? And certainly there’s nothing wrong with a little feast on our time. 

Mr. Hand: You’re absolutely right, Mr. Spicoli. It is our time. Yours, mine and everyone else’s in this room. But it is my class. Hamilton, Brandt, Cornfeld, (clap clap clap) up front!  Mr. Spicoli has been kind enough to bring us a snack. Be my guest. Help yourselves. 

Mr. Hand, Offers Spicoli’s pizza to the rest of the class and eats a bite himself in front of a despairingly looking Spicoli. 

End Scene. 

Fast Times at Ridemont High includes themes of sex, violence, abortion, death, and field trips. Typical for high school, coming of age story, I guess. Minus the field trips.

All while being instructed to “Conduct yourselves with the utmost maturity.” Sure.


As a History Teacher, here are some slow time Discussions I would like to have from Fast Times, the Movie.

The Platt Amendment, 1906

History- The Platt Amendment and Cuba. But,

Before I get back to the Platt Amendment- A note on Philosophy and drugs.  

Dope. About that. 

I.School does not endorse dope/drugs. It is one of the most annoying thing I face as a Philosophy teacher. There is a stereotype that in order to think and talk philosophy, one must go deep. And in order to go deep one must do drugs. Dude! 

Most annoying because actual philosophers are seekers of truth and wisdom. (Philosophy literally means the pursuit of Wisdom.) Barriers or inhibitors, inhibit that pursuit. If one cannot think or see clearly, closer to a truth, then one cannot honestly pursue truth. It gets blurred. 

This is I.School. Do what you wish. Just don’t call it pursuit of wisdom or truth seeking.


Spicoli may be a hilarious poster-child for school drug cliques, but let’s think about it deeper. Are there drugs in High School these daze? 2024.

Of course. 

Now where do conversations usually go from there?


Blame kids, politicians (election year), Al Pacino, Parents, schools, teachers. Etc.

What does not get talked about, more?

The very reason kids want to check out of school in the first place.  

Such as a three week lesson on the Platt Amendment or Cuba. Mr. Hand shamed students  in grades on the Platt Amendment, and test taking. By the way, how many students, aside from one random AP question, know the context of the Platt Amendment?


The Platt Amendment was a treaty between the United States and Cuba that gave the United States the right to intervene in Cuban affairs and limited Cuba's sovereignty. 

The 1902 Platt Amendment- allowed US intervention in order “to maintain Cuban independence and protect life, property and liberty,” By restricting Cuba from making alliances with other countries, and by allowing the US to lease or buy land for US naval bases.

Subsequently the US ratified a tariff that gave Cuban sugar preferences to US markets. 

There is more to story, but I say ironically, because- well, can you think of another similar scenario?

Simultaneously, between 1902-1906 the US also privately instituted Public Education.

On January 15, 1902, the US  created the General Education Board. Privately formed and funded by John D. Rockefeller, and other prominent investors, with the small, 17 member group goal of: “The Country School of To-Morrow.” 

Each decade to follow would set precedence for the future Country’s of To_Morrow, Schools. 

1910- report, Abraham Flexner stated that Black schools should focus on "hygiene rather than surgery" and noted that for Black educated doctors, "their duty calls them away from large cities to the village and the plantation.”

1914- "Learn that any work, however menial, if well done, is dignified; learn that the world will give full credit for labor and success, even though the skin is black; learn that it is a mistake to be educated out of your necessary environment; know that it is a crime for any teacher, white or black, to educate the Negro for positions which are not open to him; know that the greatest opportunity for a successful life lies in the Southland where you were born, where the people know you and need you, and will treat you far better than in any other section of the country.”

General Education Board,  Philosophy

"In our dream, we have limitless resources and the people yield themselves with perfect docility to our molding hand. The present educational conventions fade from their minds; and, unhampered by tradition, we work our own good will upon a grateful and responsive rural folk. We shall not try to make these people or any of their children into philosophers or men of learning, or men of science. We have not to raise up from among them authors, editors, poets or men of letters. We shall not search for embryo great artists, painters, musicians nor lawyers, doctors, preachers, politicians, statesmen, of whom we have an ample supply…The task we set before ourselves is very simple as well as a very beautiful one, to train these people as we find them to a perfectly ideal life just where they are… So we will organize our children into a little community and teach them to do in a perfect way the things their fathers and mothers are doing in an imperfect way, in the homes, in the shops and on the farm." -

General Education Board, Occasional Papers, No. 1 "The country school of to-morrow" (General Education Board, New York, 1913) p. 6

Connect 3 Quiz

History: Considering Cuba and the Platt Amendment, what does that say about 

A) Power, Authority and Governance (Theme 6); 

B) Production, distribution and consumption (Theme 7); 

C) and Civic Ideals and Practices (Theme 10)

*National Council for the Social Studies. 

Ten Themes of social studies programs.

Psychology: The psychological motive for the Board of Education, from its inceptions, has been to _________________.  

A. Manipulate constituents (students)  using social conditioning, isolation and fear to gain (and maintain) control. Often by use of fear and guilt combined with a sense of learned helplessness (a no-way out mentality)

B. Use peer influence and rituals to enforce conformity to the group’s beliefs (Board of Education) and produce ideal behaviors (from constituents).

C. Use propaganda (media and data) and persuasion (laws) to implant their ideology into constituents minds. With the hope constituents will give up, and maintain a child-like state of Control.

D. Capitalize on weaknesses of a child-like state, (in education, created by education) by heavily investing in pharmaceuticals, alcohol industry, media, (*any and all addictions benefit the Board and Trustees, and aid in the continual break down of students belief systems and individuality). 

E. All of the above. 


One question. What is the purpose of education? Okay, two questions. Is it working?

In conclusion, Connect Three is a little game I play. Take three random events and connect. No, real tests. No data. Just think.

Think. For yourself. In the Fast times or the Mean Times. (To me it matters. Connect Three: The US Influence in Cuba. The Teaching of- telling the story of- US influence in Cuba- while Influencing US thinking.) What is in your history class?

What do you do with your time? Who’s time is it?

I’ve been thinking about  this, Mr. Hand. If I’m here and you’re here, doesn’t that make it our time?

Level 6

Hierarchy of Needs. In Need of a Distraction!?

Balance. Relief, from the tyranny of talk. Get ready for it….

Lists. Self-talk or fun ways to change the conversation.

Lists of 10: Time yourself. (or not) Think of how many you can on your own. Skip the ones you don’t like. Adapt and expand the ones you like. Are there patterns? Can you turn it into a game?

Here are 10~10 I.School suggestions: List 10 ________

Authors, Movie Producers, Composers, Cereal Box icons, Food cartoon characters, Cartoon/ cartoon characters, Holiday icons, Mascots, Superheroes s, Villains, Entrepreneurs, colors other than the obvious, birds, Metal Bands, The last 10 songs you listened to, Words that don’t make sense, Comedians, Planets and their moons, constellations, lastly for today- 10 lists of lists.


It’s a distraction from your distractions. Good wholesome fun.

10 in 10 outline

A Plan. One Through Ten. Keep what works. Change what does not. Repeat.

Again and Again.

10 solid ideas to keep you grounded.

Use Numbers as mnemonics to stay focused.

On you. the ‘I’.

One Level at a time. Level One. A Foud-a- tion! A Foundation to land on. Solid. 1-10.

  1. Yes. 2. Reflect. 3. Build. 4. Truths. 5. Silently. 6. Balance. 7. Choices. 8. Strength in 9. Values. 10. Complete. Repeat.

Level II. Know. Thyself. (mirror)1. What do you need? 2. What do you talk about when you reflect? 3. What are you building now in conversations? 4. Is it true, what you talk about? 5. How is your head when quiet? 6. What is more balanced now? 7. where are you on the vice v. Virtue spectrum? 8. What strengths do you want to continue? 9. What values do you want to keep? 10. What is left unfinished? Repeat.

Level III. Build. 1. How will you get your needs met? 2. Reflect and change conversation. 3. This will take a while. Categorize conversations. 4. What conversations support your truths? 5. Shut Up. (**remember that is an I.School complement and opportunity to shut the nonsense noises out.) 6. Physically balance. 7. Experiment. 8. Play. 9. Study. 10. Test yourself. Repeat.

Level IV. Story Telling. Re-telling, past and future planning.

My current Level. is IV.

The good: Flexibility Within Structure. Predictability.

The trouble: Falling back into pre-conditioned behaviors.

More good than trouble, with time. I am still amazed at statements like:

“I have plenty of Time, how can I help!” (Time only I say yes or no to)

“No, I have not used an alarm to wake-up the past four years.” (since I.School)

“Yes, I do get the right amount of sleep. Nearly every night.”

“That is no problem, we can figure that out.”

“Yes, I do have time to enjoy my favorite things.”

“I am in no hurry.”

What to do in the Mean Times

It’s not the middle ages. It’s not the best of times. I like to think of this era as The Mean Times.

On the one hand, mean is to convey, indicate, or refer to (a particular thing or notion); signify. An intention. “I mean no harm.”

On the other hand, to be mean “lacks dignity or honor.” I think of mean spirited. Or just nasty mean. What makes us mean?

How do you find the mean? Add it all up and divide by the data set. Simplify.

What to do? Simple.


10. Make a playlist for the purpose of I.School. 10 songs to be listened to repeatedly. Conditioning.

9. Write down nine values you can live by. 3, for work, 3 for play, 3 for I (just you).

8. What’s your 8? What are eight little things ‘I’ can do daily to build strength? Physical, emotional, intellectual strengths.

7. Choose. Between two things. To sin less or to live more virtuously. But first ask why these 7 ?universal truths are considered “good/bad”. Pick one and dig deep.

  • Humility (Pride)

  • Chastity (Lust)

  • Generosity (Avarice)

  • Meekness (Anger)

  • Gratitude (Envy)

  • Temperance (Gluttony)

  • Diligence (Sloth)

6. Balance. Flip the triangle. Maslows hierarchy of needs. Where are you? What do you need? What can you balance today? Hint: More time for_____________________________.

5. Practice Silence every day. Three Times a day plus am/pm rituals.

4. What are your truths?

3. Build better conversations. What stories do you want to continue?

2. Defend a position. Research One topic thoroughly. Switch perspectives. Reflect. Mirror.

1. This is your life. Say Yes to it. What do you want?

Level 5- Silent Right

Miranda, Shut Up! Black Ocean (I.notes)

You have the Right to Remain Silent. Anything you say can and probably will be used against you. You have the right to have counsel present before and during questioning. If you do not have counsel (a person representing logic and fairness on your behalf) because of economic uncertainty, one will be provided. . Miranda warning reworded by I.

You don’t need to have been read the Miranda warning to be familiar with it. “You have the right to remain silent,” has been used in movies and TV (post 1966 after Miranda v. Arizona) for decades.

So, I’ve been thinking about that. You public school students. Held in detention. By law. What are you? What word is there for your circumstance besides ‘school’? Incarcerated? Custody? Held in captivity? What is the difference?

The Fifth Amendment to the US Constitution states:

No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a Grand Jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the Militia, when in actual service in time of War or public danger; nor shall any person be subject for the same offence to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb; nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation.

Mirranda, was essentially supporting the fifth amendment, re-interpreted. Students are not criminal. Yet, some students often feel like they are treated as such. Interrogated.

When students get asked things like- “Why were you late for class?” “Why didn’t you do your homework?” “Where were you?” There is an expected response, because you are in school with people in powerful positions. Authority figures want answers. You are subject.

Questions like “why didn’t you do your homework?” seem simple, when in actuality are simply very complicated.

First, why is there still homework? Kids need a life outside the box. Second, does the questioner care? I once asked a student. “where is your essay on the French Revolution?” It forever changed my teaching perspective. After hearing about her stuff got lost between motel moves, and how casually she described her pretty messed up circumstance. I realized, not only was the homework assignment bogus, I was hearing a story nearly identical to subjects in the French Revolution. She was living it. She didn’t need to write about it, (nor get asked a stupid question by me) what she really needed was a safe place to sleep. Third, and lastly it Is a stupid question. It lacks reason. Does it matter? Would any answer satisfy? Either way, why waste time bartering for bonus points? Is that our job? and where does the pressure come from? and does this simple question not coerce kids into lying just to get out of the conversation? Is that what we do- create little liars? corrupt the youth with pressures and senseless questions?

In I.School you can think about this. Realistically? You are probably going to want to answer. If needed, go ahead and give an answer. Keep it short. Move on.

Shut Up!

Don’t laugh, if you think of this when asked about homework. You may get in trouble, but Shut up. Silence. For your own good. Shut up:

: to cause (a person) to stop talking

: to cease writing or speaking

Another interpretation, an I.interpretatin, if you will, is that shut up means to shut your bad ole self up in a safe place. Shut up also means to shut out the incessant noise. The “dictatorship of noise” as Cardinal Robert Sarah puts it. We are taught in fairy tales that the fair maidens get locked up in a tower, Usually by a wicked jealous queen, and that is a bad thing. But towers, walls, bricks, were mainly used for protection. In Repunzel, for example, Sur La Lune explains, “the witch locks Rapunzel up in the tower in an attempt to stifle her increasing maturity and protect her from sexual predators.” Think of being shut up as a gift. Your own personal hyper-chamber, or whatever other metaphor you prefer. Man-cave. Bubble. A pace to shut up and shut out. Internally. Intentionally. Continuously. A personal time-out just for you, when you need it, when you want it. With some fun reconditioning and daily activities, a safe place is there. Just for you.

So if someone says shut up!, say “YES, Please, and Thank You!” (in your head, ya know, cuz of the whole silent thing). It is your right.

Black Ocean

To Shut up is used negatively. As in Black Ocean. A "black ocean" is a term used to describe when K-pop fans turn off their light sticks to show their disapproval of a band. It is a form of silent protest. Silence is scary. Just as parents or teachers. Peace and quiet time is heavily sought after with parents and teachers as examples. However, ask these same folks what happens when kids go suddenly silent. “Utter terror”, says parent B, when asked. Why kids become suspect when silent, according to one psychology bot quiet, or even silent children may indicate- Self-Awareness: They may recognize that their behavior is inappropriate or that they are about to break a rule. Quietness can be a way for them to avoid detection. Focus on the Task: When engaged in mischievous activities, children may become intensely focused on what they are doing, leading them to be quieter as they concentrate on their "project."Exploration of Boundaries: They might be testing limits and exploring what they can get away with, and being quiet is part of this exploration.

Silence! Psychological benefits of silence can include enhanced creativity, focus, self control, self awareness, perspective and spirituality. Silence can be used both positively and negatively in communication, and thus can influence our relationships.

Imagine using silence for I.School. A group of students sitting in a circle. No phones. No devices. Hushed conversations about what is important to the group. Like- enhanced creativity, focus, self control, self awareness, perspective and spirituality. No authority allowed. In fact, kids go silent if approached. A blocked off set of time each day to help each other. When asked, “what are you doing?” Remember-

You have the Right to Remain Silent. Anything you say can and probably will be used against you. You have the right to have counsel present before and during questioning. If you do not have counsel (a person representing logic and fairness on your behalf) because of economic uncertainty, one will be provided. .

You are already shut up. Silenced. Stifled from asking questions on your behalf like, “why do we have to do this?” I’ll predict, even by asking that simple yet complex question, you become suspect. A trouble maker provoking a well organized machine. So, simply stop. Stop asking. Stop complaining. Figure out what wholesome path you would like to follow. Stick to it. Silently. Rightfully. As is your right.

Level 4 Truths

Next: What is Truth? What do you/I trust? How can I trust the truth? 

Week 4 

Truths. What do you think of these?

  1. You are going to die. Someday.

  2. You are alive right now. Assumably. 

  3. You have time. Some.

    OR. 3. How about, You Own your Own Thoughts. Mostly.

  4. Math.

If the average life of a human is 80 years X 365 days = 

The average person lives 29,200 days. 

Subtract 8 hours of sleep (subconscious over the conscious realm)  from 80 years = 

You have about 19,466 total days of life

 And, how would you like those days? Ideally.

4 Truths of Mental Health 

Basic time for-

  1. Adequate Sleep

  2. Physical activities

  3. Nutrition

  4. Self-Care

Persistently. Insistently. Consistently.

Life in numbers

Week 4 I.Notebook activity-

A few pages after your “ideal daily schedule for life,” write,  

4 ways in which your life would be different IF you had/ or didn’t have that “thing” keeping you from… what? Serenity? Happiness?  How about personal truths? For example, the “if I only had better (grades, mental health, a relationship, physical appearance, abilities, politics, ________ ) , then I… would…“

…would what? 

Pause and think about, what would consume your head, time, and space if that all consuming thought was no longer consuming your time and thoughts? 

Would your conversations change? To what? Would you want to replace that thought with another consuming “thing”? That might be fun. If you got to choose your next connection. Your “thing”? Or, would you rather like to be free to think of many many other things. Like what? Explore. 

Seek truth gaps. 

Then what? Is the problem. The problem is Time. The solution is Time. 

How to get this precious time… Yes indeed. There is the first thing to get creative with. Interrupt your thoughts with the “thing” you want a brain break from. Like- How to sneak sleep. Or fake self-care. Or physically move when no one is watching. Just pouring out some ideas. 

Next. Week 5

Shut Up! (It’s not what you think). You have the rights to? 

What If?

Now that we are getting established in Imaginary School- (No Talking about I.School Rule).

What if, I were to start my I.Philosophy class with this premise:

What if I were to tell you, I know all‽ That I have spent my last few years in solitude and unearthed every question I have been seeking. Now what?

Of course, this course (I.School) is imaginary, so play my little reindeer games. (I do not know all. Did I need to say that?

What If?

If that were assumed true, that knows all, then what questions would you ask?

Rules: You have 60 minutes. You may ask three questions.

See, now how fun would that be!? I Imagine small group conversations, say up to five students. Limited time. Discussions regarding values? Philosophy? I’m curious myself.

Hint- the questions you ask, demonstrate your maturity level. That is perfectly acceptable, and a great learning moment. Well, a great learning moment if you ask a 14 year old question, and you are actually 14; It’s a steep learning curve if you ask a 14 year old question and you are 42.

Answers are subject to the teacher. I. I reserve the right to answer yes/no. I CAN answer a question with a question. (The Game of Questions). Depending on how much time is left, I may rant- especially with a particular intriguing question. So there.

Questions may lead to more questions. I have time to play. Do you?

What if? What questions do you have for I.School?

To, Karens

I.School “What are you talking about, Karen?”

Influences. “Karens” as conversations.

Vocabulary: /Pejorative/ adjetive; expressing contempt. 

Background: Around 2018, a pejoration of “Karen” evolved. 

“Karen”: Urban Dictionary “Historically known as “a  Nancy”. Middle aged woman, typically blonde, makes solutions to other’s problems an inconvenience to her although she isn’t even remotely affected.”

“A Karen will go out of her way to impose their belief structures on any unwitting or unsuspecting individual... possibly involving an authority figure if the victim is of minority descent.” Finally having a word to call out these women’s problematic behavior, the internet boomed with Karen content. From the various viral “exposing Karen”' videos on Twitter, to the Subreddit r/FuckYouKaren with over 1.5 Million followers, internet users around the world consume content exposing and criticizing women for their controversial and racist behaviors.”

Quora: “Karens are some of the most despicable people one can deal with owning or working for a business. Nobody likes them, sometimes even their own families don't like them because they're embarrassing to be associated with, and Karen's refuse to admit they're ever wrong, that they are ever at fault, and that they ever handle something the wrong way(after all, they wouldn't be Karens if they were pleasant, reasonable people), so they're not going to change, so you quite literally can't take them anywhere. That's why it's bad to be a Karen.

In I.School, say what you want, and I’d like to offer a cautionary tale about the use of pejoratives, like “Karen”. 

First, full disclosure, my mother’s name is Karen, (Happy Birthday) so it’s personal.  I watched my mom struggle with being poor. Relative ‘poor’ like not having money for the laundromat. Walking 6.8 miles to downtown Denver to pick up her paycheck at the phone company because she did not have enough money, a quarter, for the bus. Raising two teenagers alone after being left by her husband. Two kids less then 18 months apart because she had no access, nor support, to birth control in the late 1960’s. Of course these are the observations of a child. Her stories are not mine to tell. So, when I hear clear specific descriptions of what a Karen definitively IS, I think, Karen’s stories are not for others to make up and tell either. 

Another problem with using Karen, or ________, (there are a few other pejorative), personal names being used as blanket scapegoats, is that it shifts the conversation. No need to have discussions about deep rooted issues, especially about women, poverty, rights, and minorities , when you can just write off as “the most despicable people.”  Just say the magic K word, that we got from a movie and a tv show, and blame is clearly placed on middle age white women. End of conversation. 

If only Karens were “pleasant, reasonable people” then things might be different. Right!

Rights, lack of them. Poverty, unfair laws, could lend to unpleasant dispositions. Questions of class, circumstance, imbalance of justice are too complicated, so just slap on a name. Problem solved. No need to trouble ourselves with nasty conversations that lead to how Karens chose victims of “minority descent.” It seems to me the perception of Karen privilege and, say a black photographer, might be open to wider lenses of conversation, like what those two have in common. Both women and minorities are more subject to pejorative language. Which begs the question, what are we NOT talking about? What does name calling keep us FROM?

One thing is evident. It works. 


Once a pure and innocent name. Became a meme. Became “despised.” 

Sticks. Stones, AND names can kill a conversation. Ok, whatever. Now,

What are you talking about?

What are you NOT talking about?

What are you Building with your talks?


Where the origin of the name Karen means “pure, which points to the wonderful innocence of childhood and the loving, pure nature baby embodies.” Baby name book.

“A ranking of the popularity of baby names by gender found “Karen” dropped from 660th place in 2019 to 831st in 2020, according to the Social Security Administration.”

Side note. Okay, so yes, perhaps my mom does fit parts of the Karen description. No, we don’t really talk. With that said, I still chose not to use any human name to blanket a topic. There are reasons why names are used to distract us from the seriousness of life. There are reasons why people behave the way they do. It is the constant interruption of blame and stereotypes that prevent change. Karen’s are also smart, resilient, good cooks, and gardeners. Pure and strength don’t hold the publics attention as much as fear and blame.


Are You:

Staying silent about I.School?

Interrupting thoughts 5 times a day? (Once, first thing in the morning; three times a day at the same time every day; Once at night- what did you learn?) With optimistic-realistic I.Goals to maintain motivation?

Watching your words like a hawk, at least once a day. Stop/Pause, self-ask, “is this really what I want to spend my time talking about?”

Building an I.House. A Self Protecting Space of Peace and Respite? In-dependent of outside unknown and unpredictable fears?

Now What?

What is it that you are seeking? What is seeking you?

Level Three: Build

Once Upon A Time… There were Three Little Pigs.

You know the story. (If you need a refresher, here is an elementary school teacher’s adorable lesson. The 3 Little Pigs characters and setting.)

You probably have your own take on characters and settings and moral do’s and don’ts. Just so we are on the same page here in I.School, let us compare.


I.Version. Ok, we've got three tiny weenie sweenies with questionable building materials and a curious defiance for chin-hair. Oh, and A- not just big, not just bad, but a scary, yet polite- (I mean, he did knock) Wolf.  A big bad wolf. 

Now, What do those Three Little Pigs teach us?

Let’s see what Autumn from Quora says-

“Three Little Pigs teaches that if you do a job well, you’ll be rewarded. If you build your house out of straw, it’s done quickly, but not safe. Building out of bricks takes longer and takes more work, but you’re safe inside when it’s done.”

Thank you Autumn. Well put. In I.School, Intrinsic metaphors are used often. And how can they serve us? Let’s break it down:

Pigs: (Were not the original cast of characters, but that is another story. I.School II). Ok, so anyway, “pigs” represent our desires. Consume quickly. The perception of more play time- that actually turns into a nightmare over time, due to badly laid plans. With the exception of pig #3 and the brick house. (I perceive the third pig as a bit grumpy, Is that just me?) I digress…..

Now, where were we? Oh, yea, Week 3. (Skipped week #2) Friday the 13th. 2024. Let’s review.

First, this is I.School, an imaginary school of thought, created by me I.Newson. 

My audience is directed to HS students. Because that is what I taught for 30 years, and because  I think they are the smartest people I know. 

You. Right now, sitting in Algebra, Chemistry, History, approximate grades 9th to 12th. You- the ones in the front lines. I’m not there with you, but I have some ideas. And I’d like to help if you’ll let me. 

Next, this is a silent school  of….thought.. (hence the name) not school of talk… lol The silence is absolutely necessary- and it will be self-evident as we go along. 

Here is the deal. I see two simple problems. 1. People don’t have time to talk. 2. When there is time to talk, we don’t know what to say. (Long pause). 

So, I.School, that is going to be our first goal. Time Then- Talk- conversation. 

Take a look at your goals. Long term- What Do You Want? Goals. 

Question- is there anything on your wish list that can be achieved to your satisfaction, without More time? Committed time. (Am I making sense? You can’t do anything without taking time to do it- and I do mean Taking your TIME. It will be a quiet fight- but I can warn you it WILL be a fight. Now,

If you do not have any goals, or goals that you perceive are out of your control- blocked by other peoples values? well that is no problem. Time becomes insignificant. Right? Time is no value, when you don’t know what you really value.  Now for you students with some very low bar goals, lets get started- 

0- Shut Up.  I’ll explain later.

  1. You are ultimately alone, in you own thoughts all the time. You sitting in algebra, Chemistry, History, whatever- (ummmm) It’s not that there aren’t people out there trying? Trying to ‘save our schools’..It’s just that,  its not working. No one is going to save you. Good! Now we can get something done. You. With your own thoughts wondering in and out of consciousness in class- Goal #1. Is to be more comfortable, more of the time in your own head. That’s it. 

  2. Watch your language. What are you talking about, anyway? #2. Stop yourself twice a day, same time and ask yourself 2 questions 1. What am I talking about? (Pause) And 2. Is this conversation helping me with my goals and values? 

  3. Today, is story time. The story of the three little Pigs.

Once, Upon a Time… in


What are you building? What is being built for you? 

What are your personal Straws Sticks and Bricks? 

What do you fear? How do you know?  

Let’s break it down. Literally, and Metaphorically. 

Pig- a young domesticated animal, (lets just keep it simple. (disputed-ly, the origin-  not pigs- it was pixie-small woodland fairies- but that’s another story) Webster (slang- pig-‘an immoral woman’)

Straw- hallow, shallow, easily manipulated, 

Webster says of straw:(noun), “something of small worth or significance; something too insubstantial to provide support or help in a desperate situation.”

Sticks- woody material, weapon. De-fence. 

Webster says- “something used to force compliance; a dull, inert, stiff, spiritless person.”

Bricks- rectangular, made of moist clay hardened by heat. 

Webster “a good-hearted person”; or “semisoft cheese”

Wolf- Threatening. Fear. Predatory- dissonance, unequal temperament; 

Webster: rapacious or destructive person; “one who cloaks a hostile intention with a friendly manner-“ and words.

I.School   Where- you use the system, more than the system uses you! 


A. Read it. B. Interpret it. C. Re- perspecti-fy it to fit your I.Goals.

  1. You are alone. How can you re-arange, hide secret messages to yourself in your metaphoric material straw-house? Deep thoughts reside in caves. (Laugh, that was just bs) 

  2. Now you are two. Defend yourself. Study. Learn how to argue a point by using your time to build your own defense of yourself. What do you want to argue? Learn anything and everything you can about that topic. Quietly. But when you are ready- know what you are talking about. 

  3. Now the Bricks.

One at a time. Starting at Zero. I can’t, and won’t tell you what to do. I can tell you how I would teach my own class, and tell you what I did- for my own school.  My 10 in 10 Plan.

0. 1. Start with a Philosophical Foundation. (I.School 2021 1-10 example); Next, understand the Why? Who is behind the fear- who is the Wolf? (1-5-1= 10)  20222

Then, phase three- Put it to the test. Build a life I want. Brick by brick. (Health. Mind. A life I wanted to get excited about.) Travel School- Monthly Field Trips. Year 4? Now? 2023

Now I’m ready. Your Probationary-Substitute- Teacher.  2024

Ok, so between you and me- the past years of my web page might look disheveled, disorganized. Good. I want you to do the same thing with your I.School. Be cryptic. Be mysterious. Make up your own coded language- you probably already do it. This is just for you- as long as you follow I.School rule Zero and One. Say Nothing, to a Yes. (See? Cryptic.) 

So far, I have built 3 years of 10’s. Foundation. Research- BMs. Build (Travel van) 

Oh, I’ve created my own world. How would you like to-

  • Be able to shut the world out if only for a few minutes? 

  • Be ok with your own thoughts?  Under any circumstance? 

  • Create and express yourself (more) appropriately?

  • Mature in a kiddish fashion?

    Me too! I am ready for I.School. are you?

Remember- LOW Expectations. WIDE imagination.
