That which does not kill us...

Makes us stronger. Is the quote most are familiar with.

The full quote is:

“Out of life’s school of war- what does not destroy me, makes me stronger.” Nietzsche

And my question is: Why focus on the killing thing? Does it make us stronger? Or, could we re-direct the quote to- What makes us stronger? Better yet, what in “life’s school of war” weakens us?

Lack of sleep? Proper nutrition? Safety (that which kills us in schools?) Drugs of all sorts readily available… weakens us (perhaps), into dependency? “destroyed”?

Therefore: What daily activities (small ones) when practiced, strengthens you? The I. And

Is that what you want? Okay, what do you want?

If answers include- “I want something that others need to give me before I can act,” would be an example of de-pendency. Would it not?

When you poke one finger out, you are also pointing at least 3 fingers back at yourself. “They” will not save you. “They” are getting what they want. Power, money and control. Now what about you? They are not going to change, but you can.

Slowly, thoughtfully, silently. Take time to figure out, not what is killing you (okay, well maybe), but more what can be learned. What makes you weak= what can you do to get strengths?

By understanding the “school” and how it is using you (perhaps), can you then use it? More that it uses you?

Thought for the day.

Lake Middle School, Denver Colorado.

I.School Job Process

Question. Where to start I.School?

Answer. Start like a normal person and Google AI “Job Application Process: Key Strategies for Each Step.”


Describing the Job

“When advertising a job, it is important to clearly describe the role and the skills, experiences, and attributes required.”

I.School is an imaginary ‘playground’ for learning. A school within a school, of sorts. Your role is your choice. Your willingness to participate is entirely up to you. No experience necessary. Skills? What kind of skills do you want to acquire? That’s a good question. Attributes include, (wait, what does attribute mean?)

a quality or feature regarded as a characteristic or inherent part of someone or something. example: "flexibility and mobility are the key attributes of our army"

an inherent part of someone? Um… what does inherent mean?

existing in something as a permanent, essential, or characteristic attribute. example:"any form of mountaineering has its inherent dangers"

If attribute is inherent and a permanent characteristic/attribute (redundant), that already exists in something, then why is it required for a job application? You are already who you are. Attributes acknowledged. Next step.


The screening process involves reviewing resumes and cover letters to select candidates to interview.

Resume. That is exactly what I am trying to do. Resume my teaching and learning. Resume with the little thingie above the e, and fancily pronounced “rez-oo- May” is a summary of previous experience and education.


Shortlisted candidates will move through the interview process, which may include multiple interviews. For roles with specific skill requirements, there may be a skills assessment phase.

“Shortlisted”? I’m short. I can move. I also have multiple interviews. Former students, teachers, current students, the homeless, hopeful, random interviews anytime I can. Specific skills include, staying low to the ground. The assessment phase is daily. View in ter- any moment and check. Is this what you really want to talk about shorty?

Job Offer

The candidate may receive a job offer, which they can negotiate if it doesn’t meet their expectations.

Lower your expectations in I.School. Way, way lower. Lower than that. Then, Negotiate, meaning ‘bring about by discussion’. Change the subject. Offer, what? What do you want?


The onboarding process introduces the new employee to their role and the organization. This can be done through training or by pairing the new employee experienced employee.

First, onboarding sounds terrible. Sounds like on-water, boarding. Waterboarding, which the term and act officially constitutes as “torture, cruel, inhuman, degrading treatment or punishment.” United Nations report.

In the education profession, Boards. School Boards,

Background and reference checks

The company may conduct background and reference checks.

Please. Do that.

Change the conversation,

to- why do we follow prescribed, inauthentic, job requirements and resumes that are bolstered to say the least? If you are coerced into conformity, which means essentially lying about who you are just to land a job, will mean your job will always be a _________?

Question. Where to start I.School?

Answer. Start like an ab-normal ‘crazy’ person; stop playing games. Time is not waiting. Start a new game.

I.School 101, 2025

“When applying for a job, it is important to consider factors such as the job title, company size, industry, company culture, benefits, and working hours.”

Job Title: I.School? Hmmm, other than that, I guess it is your choice _____.

Company Size: I

Industry: Learning

Company Culture: Variable

Benefits: Depends on your prospective. Retired teacher ‘benefits’? Not worth the sentence. More time has been spent writing, talking, being placed on hold, then actually benefiting from the benefits of institutionalized learning. It’s a cautionary tale. Benefits can be with-held by the with-holder. Any time. The benefits of I.School are intrinsic. Invisible value.

Working hours: If I’m here and you’re r here, that makes it our time. (Fast Times). I.School can be a minute, an hour, of our time, or a life time of ours. I.

I.School is an imaginary ‘playground’ for learning. A school within a school, of sorts. Your role is your choice. Your willingness to participate is entirely up to you. No experience necessary. Skills? What kind of skills do you want to acquire? That’s a good question.

New Year's Resolution


New Year’s Resolution 2025

In an 1813 Boston newspaper article titled, “The Friday Lecture,” written by an unknown author observed this:

“And yet, I believe there are multitudes of people, accustomed to receive injunctions of new year resolutions, who will sin all the month of December, with a serious determination of beginning the new year with new resolutions and new behaviour, and with the full belief that they shall thus expiate and wipe away all their former faults.”

In short, the author informs us that for over 200 years, people use resolutions as an excuse to misbehave up to New Year’s Eve.

The issue I have with New Year’s Resolution is in the words themselves. If something in life is already resolved, why change? Why keep adding? “Learn a new language,” If you didn’t have time to learn it last year, what do you think will happen this year? “Loose weight.” Same. Issues are already re-solved. What you are, who you are, are a play in motion, as we speak. If anything, believing you can “be a new you” designed by advertisers, sets individuals up for due failure. As the screens show- you can spend your life chasing an illusion. Realizing you are still stuck with you after a month of “this year will be different”, leads to a sense of failure, guilt, and further disillusionment. A set up to faulty advertisement. As planned. 

Here in I.School, we will take a different perspective on New Year’s Resolution by taking some time to break down meaning, thus purpose. 

First, start with the Etymology Dictionary definition and see if anything resonates. 


late 14c., resolucioun, "a breaking or reducing into parts; process of breaking up, dissolution," from Old French resolution (14c.) and directly from Latin resolutionem (nominative resolutio) "process of reducing things into simpler forms," noun of action from past-participle stem of resolvere "to loosen" (see resolve (v.)).

From the notion of "process of resolving or reducing a non-material thing into simpler forms" (late 14c.) as a method of problem-solving comes the sense of "a solving" (as of mathematical problems), which is recorded by 1540s, as is that of "power of holding firmly, character of acting with a fixed purpose (compare resolute (adj.)).

In Middle English it also could mean In mid-15c. it also meant "frame of mind," often implying a pious or moral determination.

\they generally were of a pious nature.

Pious- faithful to kindred; inspired by friendship, prompted by natural affections," perhaps [de Vaan, Klein] related to Latin purus "pure, clean.”

Next, read. What makes sense as defined?

A break up. Reduce dissolution. Simplify. Problem-Solve. Power is, a Hold firm a moral character with a fixed purpose. Frame of mind. (It does not need to make grammatical sense, it just needs to make sense to you). 

Now what?

Moral determination inspired by faith to kindred, and inspired by natural affections. Morally, resolve into a process. A simple process, holding firm to a fixed purpose. And what is that for you? Now do that. Simple. (Sort of).


 A 200 year old tradition of New Year’s Resolutions deserves a break. If we keep repeating a pattern of “New Year, New you” frame of mind, and it’s not working, then our problem solving abilities are resolved. 

Reminds me of a quote attributed to Albert Einstein: “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” 

Here at I.School, we take (some) quotes seriously enough to investigate. And ‘I’ have time to discover that is probably not Einstein who originated this overly used, misquoted sentiment. Which begs further questions:

What is an actual definition of insanity? 

Repeating misunderstood quotes over and over again and expecting clarity or resolution? 

Making new years resolutions repeatedly. Breaking moral character repeatedly. Wait, is that a question? 

I am resolved. The super fun thing about this self-assignment, is that I found the original author of the quote, and stumbled upon an author I had never heard of and am currently reading new novels. This I.School thing is working. I am resolved to continue.

2 Sub Guest

I’ve been substitute/ guest teaching (twice in two weeks). My fishbowl. My playground.

I.Learned this, after answering a question of, “what do you want?”

  • I learned, “to get out of class early,” “to get my phone back,” “to go get food,” are indeed legitimate answers to a vague and rarely asked question to high school students.

However, as legitimate and honest as that may be, they are not the answers I am looking for when prospecting future I.School students.

More intriguing answers might include, “more time,” “a class I can learn stuff I need, now,” or “anything better than this.” And other not so obvious responses, would crook my neck in a different direction, indeed.

Potential students of I.School don’t necessarily need to be ‘rock bottom’ in order to qualify; more like a “what was that you just said?” and “more insights please,” would suffice.

Just getting my cup filled after four years without student interaction. I genuinely want to listen to student voices of 2024. I listen, and genuinely want to reflect.

10 Days of I

After researching the 12 Days of Christmas song, what I learned was simple.

  • A sincere greater appreciation for actual birds.

  • Time well spent. Learning. About birds.

Which is better than thinking, watching, or talking about today’s drama. Time is short. Therefore,

I declare an I.School Holiday.

A holiday just for you! The I. Self.

A prescription.

“Take a Vacation from my problems.” Bob

In the Mean Times. 10 Days of I.

  1. I give the gift of Time. To myself, and others (I wish). I will not be exchanging gifts this year with anyone. I will use my time to,

  2. Think about what I want to think about.

  3. Plan out 10 days. Build a solid foundation prior. What I (really) want, to do.

  4. Plan backwards. What simple Truths do I want by December 25?

  5. Plan one day of Silence. Word- fast. (Plan accordingly to minimize drama).

  6. How do I want to balance out 10 days? Maintenance. Learning. Play. Skills?

  7. Now choose. Make decisions to minimize wasted time. Commit.

  8. Daily strengths include: Sleep, nourishment, physical activities, learning (research is I passion), drawing, meditation (quiet time), writing, play, my friendly people connections (or lack there of- solitude).

  9. Value Time above all, these 10 days.

  10. Write your I.Story. Privately.

I prefer themes. It keeps me on course. Reduces distractions. Easy to remember. Colorful.

If you don’t know what to do, do what you know. 10 in 10 Plan: I.Sample.

Day One. Clean the grounds. Focus is One space, clutter free. Relax.

Day Two. Focus on writing. One Blue book, One Red book. Read.

Day Three. Outline I.School’s 2025 Foundation. Learn. (Set up my 2025.I classes)

Day Four. Express Emotions. Craft Day focus. Project I Book; Paint Draw.

Day Five. Day of Silence. Focus on as few interactions as possible. Music, activities welcome.

Day Six. Spend the day outside. Focus on nature. Return, retreat, express.

Day Seven. Choose anything day. Free Day (within a free day). Imagine that.

Day Eight. Gym, swim. Pick a favorite meal. Date night movie.

Day Nine. Spend some time with friends family. Meaningful. (*December 25th)

Day Ten. *December 24th. I.Day favorites. Repeat 1-8. Mix and match. Light candles to reflect Inner-light, meant- during darkest days of the year. What do you want? What do you need? What do you want to return to? Just You. I.

*Days reflect my 10~10, I.School self grounding numerical order; but may not necessarily be in order of the days. We’ll see.


Friday the 13th

December. Friday. 13. 2024

I.School Lessons for 2025. 10 in 10 Plan. More to come.

In the mean-time, Here are 13 Lessons I have learned in the past 4 years of “I.School”

  1. Find something to ground I, every day. Sleep. Nutrition. Music, movement, one simple chore.

  2. Reflect on what I say, every day. Ask, do (two of) I thoughts and conversations align with I values (see #9)?

  3. Build a solid philosophical foundation. Example. My pre-2020 calendars were filled with appointments, diets, exercise routines, finances, linear dates etc… and they are BO-Ring. Post I.School experiment- filled with Ideas, Imagination, Interesting drawings, Times blocked off to dance. Mornings dedicated to writing and processing my dreams. Personalized classes ranging from basic nutrition to foundational drawing to dance fundamentals. Classes I want to learn about like night sky watching, bird identification. Skills I can build on like crochet and knitting.

  4. Build on Truths. I am alive. I will die. I have emotions. I am a truth seeker. What are U’re/I Truths?

  5. Be Silent. Observe. There are so many lessons passed by daily due to AI’s. My interpretation of AI’s are those thoughts, people, advertisements- Always Interrupting my precious time, with absurd repetitious un-truths. Silence means a private personal mind Retreat, from AI’s. With practice, I can quietly escape into I’s mind-myriad’s spectrum of lively, and ironically I imaginary-fantastical truths. Honest fantasies?

  6. Balance. Once I got some basic values to rely on, the trick is to prioritize sleep and proper nutrition with all the fun things I get to learn. It’s a constant act, that gets easier when repeated often.

  7. Choose. Order of operations. I took the days of the week and narrowed down my choices, so I have more freedom and time to I.School. Example, Mondays have been renowned melancholia. Like the song “I don’t like Mondays” by the Boomtown Rats. Mondays elicit student verbal grumbled protests. first order of operations? Make Mondays extra calm. “Just take the trash out, that is all I ‘have’ to do today. Dress comfy. Take an extra hour to relax with a favorite #1 grounding activity. I graduated to Monday’s being one of my favorite music/ drawing and writing days. Re-define. Re-condition the condition.

  8. Strengths. “That which does not kill you…makes you stronger.” Nietzsche was quoted to say. The full quote goes- “Out of Life’s School of war, what doesn’t kill me makes me stronger.” Twilight of the Idols. 1888. I prefer to interpret this as- “okay, not dead yet”. How about I focus on the “what makes me stronger part.” Starting with the question, “what makes me weaker?” Lack of sleep. Disordered ideas of nutrition. Doing more then, that which is killing I.

  9. Values. I: Dream, Dance, Draw; Balance, Flexibility, Strength; Time, Truth, Trust. Interchangeable. Enduring. Worthy of Repeating.

  10. Repeat. One. Zero. Start again. Keep what works. Learn from mistakes.

  11. My favorite number. It appears in my dreams. Reminds me to rise above. Not better than, not less than; More- Be more than, miserable? Ha. Seriously, I.School is a “yes” to life, as is. Now what? Tick tock clock…

  12. Learn. Learn. Learn. Do not speak 1. until I know better. 2. (ideally). OR #1. Always have a plan! #2. Always Have a back up plan. #1. #2. Example, finding two ways to calm yourself. (Music and reading)I-self. Two distractions delaying getting pulled into less-optimal situations. (Watching tv with my cat, one hour cleaning/laundry). Think of vulnerable situations, plan for them. Twice.

  13. Friday, March 13, 2020. Changed me. As of today, Friday, December 13, 2024. I want nothing more, than to keep living the I.School Life. YES! I ultimately refuse to allow a hostile institution to take anymore of my Lively-Hood. I.School, for me was like going from Incarceration, to a Hospice situation. Not literally.

    1. Incarceration- “state of being confined, by law.” (K-12)

    2. Hospice- a program that gives special care at the end of life, (like the department of education?) . 3. Formerly defined as a place to rest for weary travelers. Either way, seems like a more pleasant philosophy to live by. If you have ever witnessed actual hospice and the people who dedicate their lives to helping end of care people, you might agree. Amazing people. Beautiful.

      In the MEAN Time-

      I.DEAS- Special Care, stuff that is working for me.

Bombard Basic Senses with- idée fixe- (concern with self-ideas)

Sounds- 10 song Playlist based on your own notions of 1-10

Colors- One a Day. Could couple up with touch- sensations on the skin. Clothes, for example.

Sip on cold or warm water while thinking about how it feels.

Move in accordance to simple body parts. Gentle, roll the head, shoulders, elbows, hands, spine, knees then feet- toes. Give each body part special spotlight.

Watch as many screens as you like. Now study them. What Story’s are being told? (What is the message? The product behind the products product?) What life-styles do the screens want you to mimic? How close or far are the screens to ‘real life’?

Are Stories owned? If so, by whom? How few-many own mass-media?

What is your story? What do you want it to be? Ideas?

I.School morning snapshot.

Twelve Drummers Drumming


The Little Drummer Boy, is a personal, sad-mirthful saga for I. And I’m not sure why. Some deep psychological trauma, no doubt. It all started with the 1968 Claymation- “The Little Drummer Boy- A Gift of Love”. It was the year I was born, so I have no early recollection of the flick. Was it the music? The climactic, “I Played My Best for Him…”? Dunno. I just know, when that song comes up, anytime, anywhere. I cry. Not known for my tears. I’m rather stoic in that regard. Following me throughout childhood, adulthood and later parenthood. The Little Drummer Boy’s initial and distinguishable “pa rum pa pa pum”, stops me. My two kids used to get a big kick out of me sob-bing! in grocery store Isles, car rides home listening to the radio in late November. Four little eyes and two twisted smiles. “Oh, moooom, it’s your favorite soooooong…” Oh, it was hi-larious. Seeing mom cry, to the same song over and over again like groundhog day. I actually cherish those uncontrolled tears through intermittent smiles at my own children’s laughter. Layers of memories.


drum: "to beat rhythmically or regularly" (with the fingers, etc.) is from 1580s. Meaning "force upon the attention by continual iteration" is by 1820. ED

Iteration: “a procedure in which repetition of a sequence of operations yields results successively closer to a desired result.” MW


When The Drummers were Women: Review, “For millennia, the sacred drummers of pre-Christian Mediterranean and western Asia were women. In this inspiring book, Layne Redmond, herself a renowned drummer, tells their history.
Artistic representations reveal that female frame drummers carried the spiritual traditions of many of the earliest recorded civilizations. During those ancient times, the drummer-priestesses held the keys to experience of the divine through rhythm. They were at the center of the goddess worship of matriarchal societies until the ascendance of patriarchal cultures and the loss of drumming as a spiritual technology. With wisdom and passion, Redmond chronicles our species’ deep connection to the drum, our rich heritage of inseparable spirituality and music, and the modern-day women reclaiming it.
This book encourages readers—both women and men—to reestablish rhythmic links with themselves, nature, and other people through the power of drumming. Redmond illustrates her message with an extensive collection of images gathered during ten years of research and travel. Woven throughout the book are strands of ancient ritual and mythology, personal stories, and scientific evidence of the benefits of drumming. It is at once a history, a memoir, and a resounding call for spiritual and social renewal.” When The Drummers Were Women: A Spiritual History of Rhythm.


Listen. Decide for yourself. Think. Think for yourself. Create.

Take what you know #1, Interpret #2, = Build a Life. Dance, Draw, Sing; Create, re-create your Story. The Story of I.

Song #12. Step, by Vampire Weekend.

Ingrid Stor Newson. Created with Lara Golden Cade. 2022.

Eleven Pipers Piping


Eleven Pipers Piping. Visually I see, either the tall black bearskin British footguards flaunting flutes; or Scottish Bagpipers.


Eleven: Being one hour before 12:00, the eleventh hour means the last possible moment to take care of something, and often implies a situation of urgent danger or emergency. 11 is a prime number, and a super-prime. 11 forms a twin prime with 13,[6] and sexy pair with 5 and 17. Wikipedia.

Piper. Piper. Named after types of birds, "to chirp, warble, whistle, sing." Meaning "convey through pipes"

Old English pipian "to play on a pipe" or similar instrument, from Latin pipare "to peep, chirp,"

Piping: To pipe up (early 15c.) originally meant "to begin to play" (on a musical instrument); sense of "to speak out" is from 1856. Pipe down "be quiet" is from 1900, probably a reversal of this, but earlier (and concurrently) in nautical jargon it was a bo'sun's whistle signal to dismiss the men from duty (1833); pipe in the nautical sense of "to call by the pipe or whistle" is by 1706.


From “Be Your Own Birder.”

“When birders hear the term “piper” they automatically think of sandpiper. There are more than 25 species of birds in the world with “sandpiper” in their names, and even more birds of the Scolopacidae bird family are classified as sandpipers, even without the term as an immediate part of their identity – including yellowlegs, curlews, dowitchers, phalaropes, and godwits. Seeing 11 species of sandpipers in any day would be a true gift, and given the widespread ranges of these species, a remarkable feat for any holiday gift-giving. It wouldn’t be an impossible day of birding, however, particularly during migration periods or in winter when these birds intermingle more on their non-breeding ranges.”

Having pipers as such a high gift in the carol’s numerical count is very appropriate, as these are highly social birds that congregate in tremendous flocks throughout the year. They may even work together while foraging, darting back and forth into shallow waters or wave edges as they chase after worms, insects, and other prey. Many sandpipers will joined mixed flocks at times, making it even more possible to spot more than one type of sandpiper at once – though perhaps not 11 separate species in the same flock.”


“Ultimately, the gift of pipers piping is a gift of music. This season is fill with so many carols, ballads, orchestral pieces, and other amazing sounds, it’s hard not to think of the holidays when you hear certain chords or lyrics. Yet that also means that this musical gift could be a gift of any accomplished songbird, particularly one known for singing throughout the year, such as a number of thrushes, cardinals, chickadees, tits, lyrebirds, and other feathered musicians. These birds are more likely to stay in their same range year-round, and thus not only are more apt to be spotted during the holiday season, but will be using song to help claim their territory right when festive music is at its height. And that’s music to a birder’s ears!” Be Your Own Birder


Eleven is a sexy, natural, prime- piping pipers playing bird songs. Sing.

Song #11. A Song For You, by, Leon Russell.

Ten Lords a Leaping


Reminds me of a scene in the ballet, The Nutcracker. The Russian dance, as I just found out, is called the Trepak. “Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky's famous 1892 ballet The Nutcracker Russian dance scene where men in tights gallantly leap around the stage”.


Lords: "one who guards the loaves," from hlaf "bread, loaf" (see loaf (n.)) + weard "keeper, guardian;" "perceive, watch out for".

Leaping: "to jump, spring clear of the ground by force of an initial bound; run, go; dance,”


Think beyond stereotypical gender roles. If Ladies are “kneaders of the bread” and Lords are “guardians of the loaves,” which roll are you? A kneader or a protector? What are you making/ producing? What are you protecting? Daily.


Ten is a Dance. A Leap into non-action action. I Count. One, two three, one two three; two Ten.

Return again and again. To Ten.

I.Playlist song #10, The Returner by Allison Russel.

Nine Ladies Dancing


Now we’re talking! Or dancing I should say. From maids-a-milkin’ to Nine Ladies Dancing. One of my personal 9 values of I.School IS Dance.


Lady: apparently and literally "one who kneads bread," from hlaf "bread" (see loaf (n.)) + -dige "maid," which is related to dæge "maker of dough" (which is the first element in dairy; see dey (n.1)). Also compare lord (n.)). Century Dictionary finds this etymology "improbable," and OED rates it "not very plausible with regard to sense," but no one seems to have a better explanation. Etymology Dictionary

Dance: Meaning "to leap or spring with regular or irregular steps as an expression of some emotion." ED


Move. Which brings me to a proficient question. Kids in school move/ dance seldom. Below basic. Withholding. Opposite of proficiently- “to move forward.” Literally.

Kids need to move because physical activity is crucial for their overall development, including their physical health, cognitive abilities, social skills, and emotional well-being; movement stimulates brain development, improves coordination, builds strength, and can even enhance focus and learning capabilities. Psychology Today.

I will dance around reasons why I think there is a lack of movement in schools. My real question is this- why do we dance around the conversations? “Kids need to move.” Right! “It’s a shame kids don’t exercise.” Agreed. Now what?

End of conversation.


“If I could tell you what it meant, there would be no point dancing it.” Isadora Duncan.

Nine Values.

Song. Walk the Moon, “Shut up and Dance”.

Eight Maids a Milking


In true I.School fashion, we take an obscure phrase and try to make sense of it. I picture Eight Maids-a-Milking like the pictures. 8 young, apron clad women literally milking cows. Isn’t that the image, the story conjured up within the song? Until this project, that was my minds picturesque scene as well. Step one. Break down each word. Step two. Search the origin of the words. Re-interpret. Three step process. The rest is left to you. The I.


Eight: Octagon, in geometry, "a plane figure having eight angles and eight sides," 1650s, from Latin octagonos, from Greek oktagōnos, literally "eight-angled, eight-cornered," from okta- combining form of okto "eight" (see eight) + gōnia "angle," which is related to gony "knee" (from PIE root *genu- (1) "knee; angle"). Also octogon (1650s), from French octogone.

Maids: A word, used in Middle English of unmarried men as well as women (as in maiden-man, c. 1200, which was used of both sexes, reflecting also the generic use of man). From c. 1300 as "a virgin," also as "maidservant, female attendant, lady in waiting." By c. 1500 this had yielded the humbler sense of "female servant or attendant charged with domestic duties." Often with a qualifying word (housemaid, chambermaid, etc.); maid of all work "female servant who performs general housework" is by 1790.

Milk: "opaque white fluid secreted by mammary glands of female mammals, suited to the nourishment of their young,"


Proper definition of proficient is appropriate here. “Well-versed; to make progress; go forward, be useful” Advance. Interpretation.


Doubly Magic. Eight is considered a magic number in nuclear physics. Too advanced for me at this level of I.School, and I’m very interested into milking this topic more. A Quantum Leap.

It does not make sense.

As far as the Eighth verse in this song? My thought is this- Somewhere, sometime, somehow, for some reason, the meaning and/or words changed. The game (12 days of Christmas), rules reengineered.

“The exact origins and the meaning of the song are unknown, but it is highly probable that it originated from a children's memory and forfeit game”. History of Christmas Carols.

Time to Take a Break!

And the train conductor says
Take a break, Driver 8
Driver 8, take a break
We can reach our destination
But we're still a ways away, but it's still a ways away

Song #8 Playlist. “Driver 8",” by REM

Seven Swans a Swimming


Song aside for Swans. I think of the story of the Ugly Duckling. A misfit chick, until realizing True inner nature.

“The duckling, now having fully grown and matured, cannot endure a life of solitude and hardship anymore. He decides to throw himself at a flock of swans, feeling that it is better to be killed by such beautiful birds than to live a life of ugliness. He is shocked when the swans welcome and accept him, only to realise by looking at his reflection in the water that he had been not a duckling but a swan all this time. The flock takes to the air, and he spreads his wings to take flight with the rest of his new family.”


Swans are the largest extant members of the waterfowl family Anatidae and are among the largest flying birds. The largest living species, including the mute swan, trumpeter swan, and whooper swan, can reach a length of over 1.5 m (59 in) and weigh over 15 kg (33 lb). Their wingspans can be over 3.1 m (10 ft). Compared to the closely related geese, they are much larger and have proportionally larger feet and necks. Adults also have a patch of unfeathered skin between the eyes and bill. The sexes are alike in plumage, but males are generally bigger and heavier than females. The biggest species of swan ever was the extinct Cygnus falconeri, a flightless giant swan known from fossils found on the Mediterranean islands of Malta and Sicily. Its disappearance is thought to have resulted from extreme climate fluctuations or the arrival of superior predators and competitors.

The Northern Hemisphere species of swan have pure white plumage, but the Southern Hemisphere species are mixed black and white. The Australian black swan (Cygnus atratus) is completely black except for the white flight feathers on its wings; the chicks of black swans are light grey. The South American black-necked swan has a white body with a black neck. Wikipedia


In Christmas, some believe Seven Swans Swimming are analogous to Seven Gifts of the Holy Spirit: Wisdom (the greatest gift), Understanding (ones purpose), Council (guidance from the Wise), Fortitude (courage), Knowledge (path to Wisdom), Piety (reverence), Awe/ Wonder (fear of separation from something greater, Wisdom).


In a very shortened Greek Myth, Leda and The Swan produced Helen, which is a daughter of Nemesis (the inescapable agent of someones downfall; retribution), the goddess who personified the disaster that awaited those suffering from the pride of Hubris (given to wantonness, insolent). Etymology Dictionary.

#7. Choices. Swan Song. Playlist- “Seventh Nation Army”, by The White Stripes.

Five Golden Rings


It’s the number Five that changes pace here in the 12 Days. No obvious birds. No trees. Just a long- fiiiiiive goal- den rings. And what rings might the song be referring to in long breath? I have seen gold rings in reference to the song. Literally. Was it in a 12 Days music video? Advent calendar? Pentatonix? I can not recall, but I see 5 rings associated with this song. Is it Rings on a finger? Maybe, but it does not match the rest of the song, so let’s take a silent pause and think of other possibilities.


Five Gold-en Rings. There are five interlocking rings representing the Olympic symbol. Equal size rings in different colors (blue, yellow, black, green, and red). “The International Olympic Committee (IOC) owns the symbol and has exclusive rights to any commercial use.” I.School does not have the required signatories to be rejected by the committee for unauthorized commercial use.

Dendrochronology is the scientific method of dating tree rings. In Ancient Greek, Dendron means tree; khronos means time; and logia, the study of time. 12 Days. Final month of the year, December. I kind of like that, but it’s a bit of a stretch. And why 5?


Birders don’t quit. The American Ornithological Society says, “The gift for day 5 in the original and modern version is ‘golden rings’ but several sources claim—correctly I think—that these are birds too, probably European Goldfinches, which were called goldspinks in the 1700s. Others have argued that these were Ring-necked Pheasants which have been claimed to have golden rings around their neck (but they don’t). The pheasant interpretation matches the culinary theme of the other 6 birds in the song, but the goldfinch was a popular cage bird in the 18th century. The melodic break in the song suggests a change of theme but the melody was added more than a century after the words.”


The meaning of the Fifth gift is open to interpretation. Some say singers need breaths between verses; Others say 5 represents the first books of the Old Testament, the Torah or the Pentateuch. Advanced students of I.School will take information and then quietly tuck it away and integrate it into I philosophy.

#5 is the True Gift of Silence, in my I.

Silence is Golden.

After I wrote this, I got into my car and heard this story- “Birding to Change the World”

In the silence of Katrina. After so many deaths. Trish O’Kane heard a Red Cardinal. Then started a school.

Which reminded me of another audio listen: Spark Bird

My I.Playlist #5 is Moonlight Sonata, by Ludwig van Beethoven. (This is not a sad song to me. It reminds me of the pain/ beauty of this Life. As is. All of it.)

Four Calling Birds

Intro- Four Calling Birds. Call for what?


Call it what you want, four calling birds are blackbirds. Bob Montgomerie of the Ornithological Society wrote, “The CALLING BIRDS of day 4 are the most interesting to me as the original said ‘colly birds’ and subsequent variants said the birds were ‘canary’, ‘collie’, ‘colley’, ‘colour’d’, ‘curley’, ‘coloured’, ‘corley’, and finally ‘calling’ by Austin in 1909 published with his new tune. I am surprised no one ever suggested ‘collared’. The original ‘colly bird’ was the European Blackbird (Turdus merula) as ‘colly’ meant ‘black’ as in ‘coaly’, and is why border collies bear that name. The subsequent versions are undoubtedly the result of mis-hearings and misinterpretations.” AOS


Researching Four Calling Birds led me to Crows, Jays and the Black-billed Magpie. Songs of blackbirds, Sixpence, and pies; the Beatles, Counting Crows and more nursery rhymes about birds and (‘naughty boys’) being baked in a pie after a blackbird plucked off the nose of a maid or a queen… plucking it off again. Yea, it got weird. And with song, research kept getting weirder. Blackbeard, Pirates, and Queen Anne’s Revenge, (the name of the ship Blackbeard sank, on purpose). Well, here is where I shall proficiently re-focus on I.School. Back to four calling birds. The proficiency, the lesson here at four calling birds, is that is is not some simple song. Stories have been lost, interpreted, re-interpreted into more songs. The lesson is this- the more you know, the more I swoop into research, the less I ‘really’ know. And it is fun!


Yes, I personally have found my “calling,” bird. I highly recommend it. Teaching for some IS a calling. It calls me to learn. To put into action, what I learn. Teach, if possible. Repeat. Like so many things in I.School, I am surprised the direction my learning takes me. The Black-Billed Magpie (after researching the 12 Days of Christmas song) caught my attention. I am fascinated. In my newly purchased book, Birds of The Rocky Mountains, describes the Pica pica, (Black-Billed Magpie) as so:

“The beauty of this bird is too often overlooked because its raucous and aggressive demeanor overshadows its gorgeous, panda-like plumage. The long, shiny tail of the Black-billed Magpie is one of the longest of any North American bird. A well planned day trip in Colorado can yield as many as 10 members of the corvid family. Black-billed Magpies also occur in Europe, North Africa, Arabia and Asia.”

Along with Jays and Crows, Pica picas are smart, protective (of their young), and under appreciated. My kind of bird.

The song I chose for my playlist #4 is - “Feeling Good” by Nina Simone.

Four emotions- Fear, Sadness, Anger, Joy. and Birds. Freedom. You know how I feel!

Three French Hens


I once had a student bring his chicken to class. No, I did not know he had a fancy French hen tucked into his backpack until the end of a 90 min. block. It was quiet, and as I came to find out, the French Hen is gentle, passive and “good for children” as pets. The student in question did have questionable behaviors; but I will say, the memory of seeing that little black plume poking out of a zippered opening, well, the memory of that is priceless. So, thank you Z.

Probably not one of the houdan hens pictured here.

My story. My memory. I’ll tell it like I like.


Three French Hens: Or was it intended to be three Fat Hens? Faverolles chicken? Pets or meat?


“But why ‘French‘ hens? The Latin word for chicken is gallus and, as a result, the scientific name is Gallus gallus . In Roman times, France was Gaul, and people who lived there were Gallic. It seems that the simple word association between the homonyms Gallus and Gallic irrevocably associated the fowl with France. Indeed, a rooster was often a decorative ornament on church bell towers in France during the Middle Ages, and the Gallic Rooster (see photo, right) was an important symbol during the French Revolution. American Ornithological Society.


Three: Building Blocks, Layers of I.School.

What are you building? Today. How might changing the origin (through research) thus, changing interpretations of a common story, change your story?

What memories are you finding today? What memories are being overlooked? Tucked away in a backpack? When you build your house or coop of straws, sticks and bricks, are you seeing it from the outside in, or inside out?

The Gauls!!

Song #3. Brick House- Commodores;

Two Turtle Doves


“tur-tur,” Latin, is onomatopoeic (name imitates the sound described- cool word hugh?) The female dove is the turtle. Male turtla. So, no relation to the shell covered reptile. Which kind of bummed me out, but the coo and purr bird sounds- hence the name “turtle doves”, makes more sense.


Turtle Doves are migratory. They travel twice seasonally. North to South or South to North, depending on environment.


Symbolic of peace. Timid lil creatures; not remarkably swift. Currently on the endangered species list. (okay, I’m not totally sure, but they are on the decline).


Mythology links Turtle Doves with Fides, goddess of Trust and Good Faith.

#2 What do you trust? Honesty and good faith are signs of wisdom. How would you quietly cultivate trust?

song playlist day #2. Pick a song of reflection.

Mine is “How we Operate”, by Gomez. Changing perspectives, so I can see things your way.

A Partridge in a Pear Tree


The funniest thing to me about the first line in the classic song of the 12 days of Christmas, is that “a partridge” bird would probably NOT be in a tree at all. They are ground nesters that eat seeds and bugs. Partridges would not be inclined to partake in any fruit eating, therefore would not have the motivation to fly into a tree.


Story. Simple enough, One Partridge. One Pear Tree.


Interpretation. Gathering information.

Partridges: Ground Dwelling Birds. Birds that feature variable plumage colouration across species.

Pear Tree: Youthful dreams; requite specific growing conditions. Blossoms are thought to lighten trauma inducing situations.

'Tree of Life'. Until recently many families planted a pear tree to celebrate the birth of a girl.

According to Greek legend, the first partridge appeared when Daedalus (a skillful architect and craftsman, seen as a symbol of wisdom, knowledge and power) threw his apprentice, Talos (being more gifted than his teacher) off the sacred hill of Athena in a fit of jealous rage.

Supposedly mindful of his fall, the bird does not build its nest in the trees, nor take lofty flights and avoids high places. “Falling upwards.”


Using information, re-interpreted to advance I.School Philosophy of Life.

Stay low to the ground.

Day One. #1. What keeps you “Grounded”?

Choose a song for I.Playlist. (I chose “Shallow Ground” by Corrosion of Conformity.)

A Game

Tragically hilarious! Just try to change the topic.

Instead of continuous chatter about school, jobs, or what is on a screen. Let’s make it a game!

Talk about something else. Anything! (wholesome).

I.notebook. Note to self. Make list of topics of interest as to not waste more time.

I.School is this: “I refuse to let institutions take any more of my livelihood; waste any more of my time; I choose bliss? not this?.” Yea, it is a game. A hard game to play.

I’m in.

I’m also lazy. I take something in plain sight. I research it. Re-interpret it with meaning. Make it part of my daily philosophy.

An insomniac, for decades, I spent many hours playing Super Mario Brothers. Yes, it was fun. A game that kept me occupied, for decades. I wouldn’t say I got much out of playing except avoiding sleep. I will never get those hours/ years back. but I can use some principles-

  1. You can always go back to level one. 2. Sometimes the goombas get ya, when you least expect. 3. Equipment helps when you know how to use it. 4. Pink and Blue friends are fun companions. Keep them close. 5. Be patient. 6. But don’t take too much time. Tick Tock…

thats the idea. Take something you know. Interpret it with honesty and meaning. Make it fun- a game. Your try.

A meaningful game. Twelve Days of a song. Re-interpreted.

No shopping. No presents. Minimal decorating. I’d rather spend time doing something meaningful. Just not in the mood to play old games.

TO the gift of TIME well spent.

Giving Thanks x 12

For time well spent.

Fro time well spent Re-interpreting stories. An I.School specialty. This month is a 12 day sampler.

Based on a traditional song called “The Twelve Days of Christmas.” Here is an I-interpretation December 1 through 12.

The 12 Days of Christmas is not strictly religious, but it has been interpreted in both religious and non-religious ways. Traditionally counted from December 25th. But for, December 1-12 seems oddly appropriate.

Do you know the song? Starting with “True Loves” Gifts:

On the first day: A Partridge in a Pear Tree

On the second day: Two Turtle Doves

And so on.

What do you know of the song? The birds? The trees? Or is there more to interpretation?

Welcome to December 12 Days I.School interpretations.